Nov 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Whether you’re hosting family or traveling for the holidays, securing your home against pests should be a priority. Bugs want to escape the cold just like we do, and they’ll make their way inside your home if you’re not ready. Here are some tips for...
Oct 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Kids, and sometimes dogs and adults love to jump into leaf piles. Here are some creepy critters that also love those piles to be aware of. Ticks These disease-ridden little guys are still around when the leaves begin to fall. To prevent them from being in your yard in...
Sep 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
Have you ever heard spooky noises around your home in the fall and winter? Birds, mice, squirrels, groundhogs, bugs, and rodents all need a place to go when the temperature drops. Here are some common critter hideouts and what you can do to keep them out. Birds in the...
Sep 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
Choosing and carving a pumpkin is a cherished fall tradition. After working hard to create the perfect jack-o’-lantern we want to proudly display it on our porch. However, a decomposing pumpkin with a flickering light inside will be irresistible for creepy...
Sep 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Do you call them Fireflies or Lightning Bugs? Check out our video full of fun firefly facts, no matter what you call them!
Aug 27, 2019 | May Exterminating
Many North Carolinians welcome the fall season to relieve them of the heat and humidity found along the Eastern Coast. September 28, 2019, is National North Carolina Day! A day to celebrate what makes NC special. There are many wonderful things unique to North...
Aug 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
Termites can create an outrageous amount of damage in a short amount of time. Watch this video to see how subterranean termites destroy a model dream home. Now imagine what termites can do to a full-size house! Our free Termite Defense Guide will help you...
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