Oct 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
So, you heard some scurrying noises in the attic, and you have your flashlight in hand, but there is no sign of the noisy creature. But alas, you see another sign of the culprit. While as an unpleasant experience as it may initially seem, finding pest feces is helpful...
Oct 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
May Exterminating is in the business of pest control. But not all insects are harmful pests.In recent years, there have been many discussions of honey bee populations decreasing and hives dying. This is bad news for North Carolina farmers and grocery...
Oct 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
October is a fun time for spooky treats and goodies. If you’re planning a Halloween party or gathering, it’s a great time to bring out some extra special glow-in-the-dark fun for your guests. If you’ve got children, they’ll love...
Oct 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
Have you met the camel spider? Also known as sun spiders and wind scorpions, these unusual creatures are arachnids but have features that favor insects. Creep factor still intact. They have a separate order of their own: Solifugae, which is separate from true...
Sep 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
Dave joined the May Exterminating crew 22 years ago after retiring from the Marine Corps. He is a straightforward, honest supervisor with a sincere heart. He loves meeting and talking with new customers. Dave is a bridge builder for meaningful relationships,...
Sep 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
When cooler temperatures arrive, it seems that bugs begin to disappear. Outdoor events are enjoyed with fewer buzzing or biting distractions. This leaves us with one question. Where do the bugs go? Cold Evaders and Hangouts Many insects evade cold weather to...
Sep 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
Bioluminescence – How does it work? The glowing dots across our evening sky, commonly called fireflies or lightning bugs, are fun to watch and hold some mystery for observers young and old. These insects are actually beetles. Inside these unique...
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