Apr 19, 2022 | May Exterminating
When you’re at an outdoor party and someone yells, “Bee!” — everyone runs for cover. Bees and wasps are important parts of our ecosystems but can certainly take the fun out of any outdoor activity. Here are some of the ways you can steer clear of the spring sting from...
Apr 11, 2022 | May Exterminating
Easter is a celebration of rebirth, new life, and springtime! It’s one of the first holidays of the year to spend with your family outdoors, and Easter egg hunts are a fun, family-friendly activity to enjoy the warm weather. While these hunts for treats and trinkets...
Apr 4, 2022 | May Exterminating
April is National Lawn and Garden Month, which means it’s time to get your outdoor living spaces spring and summer ready. While you’re beautifying your lawn and garden, don’t forget to keep pest control in mind! Just as the flowers are blooming in spring, critters are...
Mar 14, 2022 | May Exterminating
It’s that time of year again! Time to give your home a deep clean and declutter. Spring cleaning is also a great opportunity to implement pest prevention in your home. Add these cleaning items to your checklist to help prevent a pest problem. Bathrooms Check for any...
Mar 3, 2022 | May Exterminating
A flea infestation in your home is a nuisance to you and horrible for your pets. Fleas bite and cause itchiness for both humans and fur-babies, but they can also carry diseases. Some pets are also allergic to flea saliva, which could cost you a trip to the vet. Flea...
Feb 10, 2022 | May Exterminating
Coastal North Carolina homeowners are no strangers to humidity. Moisture can creep its way into your home year-round, and unfortunately, pests follow moisture. Spiders, cockroaches, termites, and centipedes are just a few of the pests attracted to humid areas. Let’s...
Feb 3, 2022 | May Exterminating
Having pests in your home can be frustrating. They’re a nuisance. It can be hard to get rid of them. But what’s worse? Pests can be harmful to your health and your home. Rodents, in particular, can carry the harmful diseases Hantavirus and...
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