Jan 19, 2022 | May Exterminating
Occasional invaders are pests that typically remain outside unless the environment becomes hostile, usually due to bad weather. Examples of occasional invaders are boxelders, millipedes, centipedes, ladybugs, earwigs, silverfish, slugs, and stink bugs. ...
Jan 3, 2022 | May Exterminating
We hear “New Year” and think of new chances and new opportunities… but, pests don’t see it that way. No matter the season or holiday, pests can find new ways to enter your home and cause problems. Termites are one of the most common and damaging pests...
Dec 16, 2021 | May Exterminating
As Christmas approaches and we say farewell to 2021, I’d like to pause for a moment to say thank you. Thank you to the many friends who trust May Exterminating’s team to keep your homes and businesses pest-free. Because of you, our company can continue to...
Dec 8, 2021 | May Exterminating
As we move into the colder months, pests will continue to creep into the warmth of your home. Just as curling up by the fire sounds appealing to your family, critters are looking for warmth, too. Though many pests are relatively inactive during the winter, if they get...
Nov 17, 2021 | May Exterminating
Did you know decluttering is an important measure for pest control? Pests are attracted to clutter because gives them places to hide and shelter. Clutter can also hide pest infestations, keeping them undetected for months while the insect population grows. Keeping...
Nov 4, 2021 | May Exterminating
When it’s cold and gray outside, you and your family like to bundle up in blankets and stay cozy on the couch. Unfortunately, pests would like to do the same! As the weather cools, pests who normally thrive outside of the home with plenty of access to shelter and...
Oct 18, 2021 | May Exterminating
Did you know that many insects are edible? In some parts of the world, insects are valuable sources of protein and even delicacies! More than 2 billion people globally eat insects. Edible insects are gaining popularity in the US now. Let’s take a look at edible...
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