Jun 1, 2021 | May Exterminating
Summertime brings the beach, barbecues, bonfires, and unfortunately… bugs. Those outdoor parties we all associate with summer holidays and warm weekends often include mosquitoes and other insects that did not receive invitations, but still manage to show up....
Jun 1, 2021 | May Exterminating
Termites are one of the most dangerous pests when it comes to your home. They don’t bite, sting, or spread disease, but termites can cause serious, expensive or irreparable damage to the structure of your home. Because they are often found in discreet places, like...
May 4, 2021 | May Exterminating
Ants, mosquitoes, termites, wasps, and bees are all pests you can expect to see buzzing and crawling through Eastern North Carolina this spring. But, don’t worry—we cover Craven, Carteret, Onslow, and Pender counties. So, you’ve got a team on call to keep you...
May 2, 2021 | May Exterminating
Pets are part of the family, so keeping them safe from rodents and wildlife is important. Wildlife, like raccoons, rabbits, mice, and rats, can carry disease and parasites that can be destructive to your pet’s health. Here are some tips to keep your pets safe from...
Apr 5, 2021 | May Exterminating
Earth Day is April 22nd. It’s a great opportunity to get your hands dirty, help the planet, and have fun with your family. Here are a few DIY projects to celebrate the planet that we all call home! Soda Bottle Herb Planters Recycle your old plastic bottles, save...
Apr 5, 2021 | May Exterminating
Spring is a time for new life and that goes for pests, too. Ants, mosquitos, bees, and creatures of all kinds find their way out of hiding as the weather warms. Not to worry, we’re here with a guide for spring pests so you can be prepared to prevent – or get rid...
Mar 23, 2021 | May Exterminating
Termites can cause irreversible and expensive damage to your home. If your home becomes infested with termites and you do not act quickly, they will multiply and keep eating away at your property. Preventing that is exactly why we offer termite plans. Investing in a...
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